Methane flaring technologies

Use the toolkit to assist you in assessing, measuring and monitoring methane emissions from flaring

The Methane Flaring Toolkit provides practical advice and information on the effective measurement and monitoring of methane emissions from gas flares in the oil and gas industry.

Twenty five companies were involved in the development of the toolkit, which include international and national oil companies, international and multilateral organisations, industry organisations, civil society and technology providers under the Methane Guiding Principles initiative. All of these organisations are supporting the wider oil and gas industry to better understand methane emissions from flaring. This toolkit has also been supported by the following global organisations.


The Methane Flaring Toolkit has been designed to compile and share the extensive knowledge and experience of a number of stakeholders  to address  methane emissions from flaring. 

Flaring is a major source of methane emissions with the actual performance of the overall flare system a key factor in the amount of methane released into the atmosphere. For many upstream operations, methane from flaring is the largest single source of methane. This toolkit has been designed to be both interactive and intuitive. It covers all types of flares in all locations, guides users to possible technologies or solutions based on their specific flare or focus area and allows users to download or share case studies for further review.  

The toolkit focuses on: 

  • key elements for enhanced flare methane emissions measurement
  • helping identify solutions to address the accurate measurement of flared gas volumes
  • composition of gas being flared
  • technologies that support an improved understanding or allow for measurement of the destruction efficiency of the flares.

With technology rapidly advancing this toolkit brings together existing and novel approaches and has been designed to be flexible to accommodate new technologies in the future.

The toolkit is NOT focused on overall flare reduction.

The inclusion of specific technologies is for information only and does not imply endorsement by MGP or any of the supporting organisations. Case studies are provided as examples to demonstrate the selection and implementation of technologies across diverse operations and may not be applicable in all situations.

About the Methane Flaring Toolkit

This toolkit provides a holistic overview of the challenges and decisions that need to be made to understand, measure, control and reduce methane emissions from flares.

It will use examples of best-available technology to guide the user through the decisions that enable operators to meet or exceed existing regulatory requirements, providing advice and direction to additional resources whenever possible.

How to Use the Toolkit


The inclusion of specific technologies is for informational purposes and does not imply endorsement by MGP.  Technology descriptions are based on the best available data at the time of publication; due to the rapid rate of technological change, users should be aware that some information may be out of date.  Case studies are provided as examples to demonstrate the selection and implementation of technologies across diverse operations and may not be applicable in all situations. MGP is not responsible for the content of external references.

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